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Fortinet FCSS in Public Cloud Security Certification
Question: 1
Refer to the exhibit
You deployed an HA active-passive FortiGate VM in Microsoft Azure.
Which two statements regarding this particular deployment are true? (Choose two.)
A. During the failover, the passive FortiGate issues API calls to Azure
B. Use the vdom-excepticn command to synchronize the configuration.
C. There is no SLA for API calls from Microsoft Azure.
D. By default, the configuration does not synchromze between the primary and secondary devices.
Answer: A,D
Question: 152
Which statement about Transit Gateway (TGW) in Amazon Web Services (AWS) is true?
A. TGW can have multiple TGW route tables.
B. Both the TGW attachment and propagation must be in the same TGW route table
C. A TGW attachment can be associated with multiple TGW route tables.
D. The TGW default route table cannot be disabled.
Answer: A
Question: 153
What are two main features in Amazon Web Services (AWS) network access control lists (ACLs)? (Choose two.)
A. You cannot use Network ACL and Security Group at the same time.
B. The default network ACL is configured to allow all traffic
C. Network ACLs are stateless, and inbound and outbound rules are used for traffic filtering
D. Network ACLs are tied to an instance
Answer: B,C
Question: 154
You are adding more spoke VPCs to an existing hub and spoke topology Your goal is to finish this task in the
minimum amount of time without making errors.
Which Amazon AWS services must you subscribe to accomplish your goal?
A. GuardDuty, CloudWatch
B. WAF, DynamoDB
C. Inspector, S3
D. CloudWatch, S3
Answer: D
Question: 155
Which two Amazon Web Services (AWS) features support east-west traffic inspection within the AWS cloud by the
FortiGate VM? (Choose two.)
A. A NAT gateway with an EIP
B. A transit gateway with an attachment
C. An Internet gateway with an EIP
D. A transit VPC
Answer: B,D
Question: 156
Refer to the exhibit
You are tasked with deploying FortiGate using Terraform. When you run the terraform version command during the
Terraform installation, you get an error message.
What could be the reason that you are getting the command not found error?
A. You must move the binary file to the bin directory.
B. You must change the directory location to the root directory
C. You must assign correct permissions to the ec2-user.
D. You must reinstall Terraform
Answer: A
Question: 157
Refer to the exhibit
The exhibit shows a customer deployment of two Linux instances and their main routing table in Amazon Web
Services (AWS). The customer also created a Transit Gateway (TGW) and two attachments
Which two steps are required to route traffic from Linux instances to the TGWQ (Choose two.)
A. In the TGW route table, add route propagation to 192.168.0 0/16
B. In the main subnet routing table in VPC A and B, add a new route with destination 0_0.0.0/0, next hop Internet
gateway (IGW).
C. In the TGW route table, associate two attachments.
D. In the main subnet routing table in VPC A and B, add a new route with destination 0_0.0.0/0, next hop TG
Answer: C,D
Question: 158
Refer to the exhibit
Consider the active-active load balance sandwich scenario in Microsoft Azure.
What are two important facts in the active-active load balance sandwich scenario? (Choose two)
A. It uses the vdom-exception command to exclude the configuration from being synced
B. It is recommended to enable NAT on FortiGate policies.
C. It uses the FGCP protocol
D. It supports session synchronization for handling asynchronous traffic.
Answer: B,D
Question: 159
You are troubleshooting an Azure SDN connectivity issue with your FortiGate VM
Which two queries does that SDN connector use to interact with the Azure management API? (Choose two.)
A. The first query is targeted to a special IP address to get a token.
B. The first query is targeted to IP address 8.8
C. There is only one query initiating from FortiGate port1 -
D. Some queries are made to manage public IP addresses.
Answer: A,D
Question: 160
Refer to the exhibit
The exhibit shows the results of a FortiCNP registry scan
Which two statements are correct? (Choose two)
A. When adding a repository, you can leave the Tag section blank to scan all images-
B. The registry scan is part of the FortiCNP cloud protection.
C. The registry scan is part of the FortiCNP container protection.
D. When adding a repository, you can add a minimum number of images to be imported through the CAP section.
Answer: A,C
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Other Sources
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