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Infor Certified M3 Finance Consultant
Question: 1
In some countries, the transactions from the cost accounting module are considered internal entries as opposed to
external entries, which are typically generated from an actual document such as an invoice.
Which one of the following options is what you need to do to the internal entries?
A. Identify them separately in the general ledger.
B. Identify them as external entries in the general ledger.
C. Combine the entries into one entry in the general ledger.
D. Do not distinguish between internal entries and external entries.
Answer: A
Question: 2
You are matching a purchase order to a supplier invoice. There is a difference between the purchase order record and
the amount of the invoice received from the supplier.
Which one of the following tasks do you complete prior to recoding the invoice?
A. Approve the invoice for payment
B. Approve the invoice variance
C. Split the invoice
D. Reject the invoice for payment
Answer: B
Question: 3
Which one of the following accounts always has precedence over a general account for the same supplier?
A. User-authorized
B. Master
C. Employee
D. Division-specific
Answer: C
Question: 4
You need to reset the indicator for transfer of the internal account entries if the costing transactions fail to transfer and
update the general ledger.
Which one of the following programs should you use?
A. Program Problem.Solve (CRS418)
B. Internal Account Entry.Transfer to GL (CAS960)
C. Internal Account Entry.Open (CAS300)
D. Action Log.Open (CMS050)
Answer: B
Question: 5
Which one of the following programs do you always start with first before proceeding to Transaction Work File.
Restart Erroneous Jobs (GLS037) with a restarted job that appears as erroneous?
A. GL Balance File. Display (GLS215)
B. Transaction Work File. Print (GLS970)
C. Transaction Work File. Restart Interrupted Jobs (GLS047)
D. General Ledger. Display Transactions (GLS210)
E. Period. Open for Transaction Entry (GLS990)
Answer: C
Question: 6
Which one of the following describes a payment type when there is no invoice to match against the payment?
A. Cash
B. Partial
C. On-account
D. Full
Answer: C
Question: 7
Which one of the following Accounts Payable master files is common for all divisions related to a company and needs
to be defined in Infor M3?
A. Supplier
B. Bank
C. Number series
D. User
Answer: A
Question: 8
Report operations
Which one of the following is the correct order in which those tasks should be performed?
A. 4, 3, 2, 1
B. 2, 3, 1, 4
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 3, 2, 4, 1
Answer: C
Question: 9
A customer calls a facility from a division to purchase a product. You create a customer order to manage the delivery
to the customer from another warehouse belonging to a different division. The customer later receives an invoice from
the facility that received the order, and the goods are sent from the warehouse belonging to the other division.
Which one of the following items represents the Infor M3 invoicing system that manages invoices between different
divisions belonging to the same company?
A. Consolidation
B. Cost accounting
C. Multi-unit coordination (MUC)
D. Business Performance Warehouse
Answer: C
Question: 10
You have defined a document location path in Ad Hoc Document Location. Open (AHS020/E), but no reports turn up
at your set destination, neither at the root nor the dedicated user folder.
Which one of the following explains why?
A. You have not ended the path with a backslash.
B. The out service, for example StreamServe®, is not set up correctly.
C. A record connected to your user is not set up in Output Media Selection. Open (MNS205).
D. You havent activated Save file in Ad Hoc Report. Open (AHS010).
E. You have selected the wrong Doc location method.
Answer: B
Question: 11
Which one of the following occurs when a cost accounting error occurs?
A. Transactions are stopped from being transferred to the general ledger
B. Transaction error log is created in the system
C. Transactions are transferred and flagged in the general ledger
D. General ledger balance file is generated
Answer: C
Question: 12
Which one of the following options needs to be generated for at least the current year and the next two years and also
needs to be generated as far back as the earliest period for which historical data will be entered?
A. Accounting Identity. Open (CRS630)
B. System Calendar. Open (CRS900)
C. Period Accounting. Update (GLS140)
D. Fiscal Year. Periods (GLS986/B)
Answer: C
Question: 13
Which one of the following General Ledger Financial Accounting Management (FAM) functions do you use for
account allocations and accounts distributions?
A. Journal Voucher. Update Recurring (GLS175)
B. Unrealized Exchange Rate Variance. Update (GLS160)
C. Period Accounting. Update (GLS140)
D. A/C Allocation. Update (GLS130)
Answer: D
Question: 14
You just ran the Internal Account Entry.Create (CAS950).
Which one of the following database files is an internal account entry that is created?
Answer: C
Question: 15
You need to retrieve the purchase price for purchase costing.
Which two of the following programs should you use? (Choose two.)
A. Purchase Costing. Simulate (PPS295)
B. Item. Open (MMS001)
C. Item.Connect Warehouse (MMS002)
D. Supplier.Connect Item (PPS040)
E. Purchase Agreement.Open (PPS100)
Answer: A,E
Question: 16
Which three of the following describe accounting structures? (Choose three.)
A. Only important when the identities you want to group together are sequentially numbered
B. Purpose is to group identities for display and printout purposes
C. Hierarchical model corresponding to an organizations structure
D. Group of accounting identities or other accounting structures
E. Sub-structures containing many accounting identities cannot easily be moved to new accounting structures
Answer: A,C,D,E
Question: 17
Which one of the following is a reason that a cost account error may be generated?
A. System failed to synchronize
B. Item out of stock
C. Transaction price missing due to missing inventory value of the item
D. Deviation of demand forecast from actual demand
Answer: D
Question: 18
Which two of the following describe account groups in Infor M3? (Choose two.)
A. Account group levels determine the order in which accounts within an account group are listed on an income
statement of income or balance sheet.
B. Account groups are defined at the division level but not the company level.
C. Each account group must be defined as included in the statement of account or the balance sheet.
D. Six levels of account groups exist.
Answer: A,C
Question: 19
Which one of the following program screens do you use to check the three-way match process agrees to your supplier
A. Purchase Order. Receive Goods (PPS300)
B. Purchase Order. Open (PPS200)
C. Supplier Invoice. Match GR Line (APS360)
D. Internal Account Entry. Open (CAS300)
Answer: C
Question: 20
Which one of the following programs allows you to recode, authorize, and approve invoices for payment?
A. Supplier Invoice.Recode (APS110)
B. Supplier Payment.Enter Manual (APS120)
C. Supplier Invoice.Record (APS100)
D. Supplier Payment Proposal.Open (APS130)
Answer: C
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