IBM WebSphere Portal 8.0 Deployment and Administration Practice Test

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IBM WebSphere Portal 8.0 Deployment and Administration
Choose the two items that correctly describe Cooperative Portlets.
A. Cooperative portlets communicate by using properties that are produced and
consumed by portlet actions.
B. An administrator can use cooperative portlet support with either IBM, JSR 168, or
JSR 286 portlets.
C. JSR 286 portlets require an additional WSDL deployment descriptor which defines
portlet actions.
D. Cooperative portlets represent an IBM-specific API for publish/subscribe
communication between portlets.
Answer: A, D
When files are copied to the IBM WebSphere Portal server via the WebDAV interface,
where are the files permanently stored?
A. Web Sphere Portal JCR database
B. WebDAV resource provider
C. Deployment Manager
D. wp_profile on the file system
Answer: A
IBM Web Sphere Portal 8.0 Personalization sends published rules across HTTP to a
servlet which resides on each personalization server. Which of the following statement
is not a supported configuration?
A. Host and Target Systems in a clustered environment
B. Host and Target Systems on IPv6 protocol
C. Host and Target Systems connected to different LDAP's
D. Host and Target Systems on different network segments (VLAN)
Answer: C
Cooper is trying to configure a search collection for a portal in a clustered environment.
Where should he put the search collection when the Search server is a separate server.
A. The search collection should be copied on each IBM WebSphere Portal node.
B. The search collection should be setup on the search server.
C. The search collection resides in the database in version 8.0.
D. The search collection cannot be located on a shared file system.
Answer: B
When using the branding capabilities of IBM Web Sphere Portal, what best defines
Themes optimization?
A. Themes optimization requires a monolithic design to achieve the flexibility that
allows administrators to achieve better performance.
B. Theme optimization uses modules and profiles to achieve the flexibility that allows
administrators to achieve better performance.
C. Theme optimization uses modules and monolithic design to achieve the flexibility
that allows administrators to achieve better performance.
D. Theme optimization uses CSS to achieve the flexibility that allows administrators to
achieve better performance.
Answer: B
What mechanism can be used to analyze the data for user behavior in IBM WebSphere
A. The collected data can be sent to Active Site Analytics service for analysis.
B. The data can be viewed through the Analysis portlet in the WebSphere Portal
administrative console.
C. The data can be viewed and analyzed through the Analysis portlet in the WebSphere
Portal administrative console.
D. The collected data can be viewed using the Analysis servlet in the IBM WebSphere
Integrated Solutions console
Answer: A
Which of the following options is true of VMware technology with IBM WebSphere
Portal 8.0?
A. VMware can be used to mass-replicate identical operating systems installed and
configured with Web Sphere Portal.
B. VMware can be replicated with WebSphere Portal with multiple profiles.
C. Web Sphere Portal cloning is not supported with VMware.
D. VMware cannot be used to mass-replicate identical images because WebSphere
Portal is tied to the host name.
Answer: A

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Other Sources

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C9520-923 - IBM WebSphere Portal 8.0 Deployment and Administration Real Exam Questions

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