IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development Practice Test

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IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development
Answer: B
David has built a form that uses XForms Panes, but he cannot access the fields and
labels inside a pane. Why can't David access the fields and labels, and how can he
correct this problem?
A. XForms Panes are actually iframes inside an XFDL form. The way to reference the
values of the items inside the pane is throughthe XFormsdata model.
B. XForms Panes are insulated from the XFDL items outside of them, as the panes are
given a dynamically generated SID at runtime. XForms Panes are unique in that they
require the reference to contain ".PANE" in order to access
the itemsinside the pane. For
C. XForms Panes are insulated from the XFDL items outside of them, as the panes are
given a dynamically generated SID at runtime. The bestway to reference the values of
the items inside the pane is through the XForms data model.
D. XForms panes are actually iframes inside an XFDL form. The best way to access the
values inside the items within the XForms pane is to usethe API.
Answer: C
Which of the following tabs can you NOT remove or hide within the IBM Forms
A. Design Tab
B. Source Tab
C. Webform Server Tab
D. Viewer Tab
Answer: A
What does the following statement represent?
A. This button allows users to enclose files into one of three datagroups or folders:
Images_Asia, Images_Eur, Images_SAmer.
B. This button allows users to enclose files as one of the three file names: Images_Asia,
Images_Eur, Images_SAmer.
C. This button allows users to enclose files with the name of either Images_Asia,
Images_Eur, or Images_SAmer.
D. None of the above.
Answer: A
All of the following are valid remarks about converting other file types to an IBM
A. The transformation rules are highly configurable.
B. After the conversion is complete the form Designer must tweak the layout before
publishing the final version.
C. After the conversion is complete the form Designer must add dynamic logic to the
D. The transformation rules are not configurable.
Answer: D
Which of the following reasons for compressing an IBM Form is VALID?
A. Compressing the form means that the contents of the form are encrypted and secure.
B. Compressing the form means that the entire form and data model be stored as a
single file.
C. Compressing the form means you can post the form to a database or servlet.
D. Compressing the form means that you eliminate the white space found in the XFDL
Answer: D
All of the following are accessibility features of the Viewer or Webform Server
EXCEPT which one?
A. Can define text to be spoken by a narration tool.
B. Can enable a focus indicator
C. Can change the background color of the focused item
D. Can enable high contrast mode
Answer: C
Which absolute XPath query will properly limit the result set to 10 items?
A. widgets/widget[position > 5 and position < 16]
B. widgets/widget[position() > 5 and position() < 15]
C. instance('INSTANCE')/widgets/widget[position > 5 and position < 16]
D. instance('INSTANCE')/widgets/widget[position() > 5 and position() < 16]
Answer: D

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Other Sources

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C9520-403 - IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development syllabus
C9520-403 - IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development techniques
C9520-403 - IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development braindumps
C9520-403 - IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development Cheatsheet
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C9520-403 - IBM Forms 8.0 - Form Design and Development test
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