C1000-026 Exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | Exam Syllabus | Exam Objectives
Number of questions: 60
Number of questions to pass: 40
Time allowed: 90 mins
Status: Live
Section 1: Implementing 8%
Plan and design QRadar deployment.
Implement and install QRadar.
Add Managed Hosts.
Section 2: Migrating and upgrading 12%
Plan QRadar upgrade and migration.
Review documentation and release notes.
Perform QRadar updates, patches and upgrades.
Perform migration (e.g., backup and restore, import and export content).
Section 3: Configuring and administering tasks 42%
Configure event flow sources and custom properties.
Maintain configuration and data backups.
Create and administer users, user roles, and security profiles.
Manage the license per allocation.
Create, review and modify rules, building blocks and reference sets.
Configure and manage retention policies (i.e., data and assets).
Create and manage saved searches, index, global views, dashboards and reports.
Deploy and manage applications and content packages.
Configure global system notifications.
Configure and apply network hierarchy.
Configure and manage domain and tenants.
Use the asset database.
Schedule and run a VA scan.
Section 4: Monitoring 25%
Monitor QRadar Notifications and error messages.
Review and interpret system monitoring dashboards.
Verify QRadar processes and services.
Monitor QRadar performance.
Use apps and tools for monitoring (e.g., QDI, assistant app, incident overview, DrQ).
Check system maintenance and health of appliances.
Monitor offenses and detect anomalies.
Section 5: Troubleshooting 13%
Demonstrate knowledge of key commands to interpret QRadar services and processes.
Explain error messages and notifications.
Interpret the basic logs (e.g., qradar.error, qradar.log).
Use embedded troubleshooting tools and scripts.
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IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.3.2 Fundamental Administration
Question: 53
An administrator is about to integrate logs from a custom firewall in a QRadar deployment using syslog. The SIEM has two domains, namely Domain A and
Domain B. While reviewing the following sample logs, the administrator notices a "context" keyword:
May 14 11:05:01 20190514 11:05:00 context=contextA permit source:; source_port: 64094; destination:;
service: 53; protocol: udp; May 13 12:07:01 20190513 11:07:00 context=contextB permit source:; source_port: 64094;
destination:; service: 53; protocol: udp; Which options assign the "contextA" logs to DomainA and the "contextB" logs to domain B? (Choose two.)
A. Create a single log source, create a "Context" custom event property, and assign the log to both domains using a custom rule.
B. Create two individual log sources by configuring a separated logging instance for each context on the firewall and assign each log source to the
correct domain.
C. Create a single log source, create a "Context" custom event property, and assign the log to the correct domain using custom event property value.
D. Create two individual log sources using the context value as log source identifier and assign each log source to the correct domain.
E. Create a single log source, create a "Context" custom event property, and assign the log to the correct domain using a custom rule.
Answer: BD
Question: 54
Which event routing rule is required to add QRadar Data Store (QDS) capability to a deployment?
A. Log Only (exclude Analytics)
B. Delete data When storage space is required
C. Bypass Correlation
D. Delete data immediately after the retention period has expired
Answer: A
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS42VS_7.3.2/com.ibm.qradar.doc/t_qradar_adm_data_store.html
Question: 55
An administrator is seeing the following system notification:
38750057 A protocol source configuration may be stopping events from being collected.
What is a valid user action to this issue?
A. Re-install the QRadar Console
B. Review the /var/log/qradar.log file for more information
C. Restart the QRadar Console
D. Review the /var/log/error.log file for more information
Answer: D
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS42VS_7.3.0/com.ibm.qradar.doc/38750057.html
Question: 56
To comply with specific regulations, an administrator has been requested to increase asset retention to 365 days.
In which QRadar section can the administrator find the asset retention settings?
A. Admin Tab / Asset Retention
B. Assets Tab / Retention settings
C. Admin Tab / System settings
D. Assets Tab / Asset Retention
Answer: C
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS42VS_7.3.2/com.ibm.qradar.doc/t_qradar_adm_asset_tuning_ip_retention.html
Question: 57
A QRadar administrator added High Availability (HA) to the Event Processor and needs to verify the crossover link status between the primary and secondary
Which commands can be used to verify the crossover status? (Choose two.)
A. /opt/qradar/ha/bin/ha_getstate.sh
B. /opt/qradar/ha/bin/getStatus crossover
C. /opt/qradar/ha/bin/qradar_nettune.pl crossover status
D. /opt/qradar/ha/bin/qradar_nettune.pl linkaggr
E. /opt/qradar/ha/bin/ha cstate
F. cat /proc/drbd
Answer: CF
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/forums/html/topic?id=5c01c198-016d-461b-a648-a87cdc445768
Question: 58
An administrator needs to import data into QRadar for a specific use case.
The data that has been provided to the administrator is stored in records that map a key to a value.
Which type of data collection must the administrator create?
A. Reference set
B. Reference map of sets
C. Reference map
D. Reference map of maps
Answer: B
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS42VS_7.3.2/com.ibm.qradar.doc/t_qradar_conifig_rul_resp_reference_set.html
Question: 59
An administrator needs to know if a custom rule is being correlated correctly.
Which QRadar component is responsible for this process?
A. QRadar Event Collector
B. QRadar Console
C. Magistrate
D. QRadar Event Processor
Answer: D
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/qradar-global-correlation
Question: 60
An administrator needs to collect logs from the Command Line Interface (CLI).
Which command should the administrator use?
A. /opt/bin/qradar/support/get_logs.sh
B. /opt/support/get_logs.sh
C. /opt/support/qradar/get_logs.sh
D. /opt/qradar/support/get_logs.sh
Answer: D
Reference: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/getting-help-what-information-should-be-submitted-qradar-service-request
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