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Nokia Bell Labs End-to-End 5G Foundation
Question: 81
What are the benefits of traffic engineering in Transport networks? (Choose three.)
A. Scaling access points
B. Better utilization of network capacity
C. Traffic steering
D. Resiliency
Answer: B,C,D
Question: 82
Which of the following defines a vertical Network Slice?
A. When it serves a given customer for a specific purpose, such as anational energy network.
B. When it cross all the network layers from the radio up to the core.
C. When it serves a given common purpose, for a use case with a defined QoS (eg a use case in transportation, in energy).
D. When it operates on the same layer of the ISO/OSI model.
Answer: A,C
Question: 83
Your manager started a brainstorming session during a meeting on how automation can be driven in the network. He asks what tools can be used to increase automated services in the
What would you answer be?
A. We need to find a software company that will write software to automate the network services.
B. We can create rule-based automation. We can also use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to automate all network services.
C. We can write scripts that will be executed at certain times when a specific event happens and the service will be automated in this way.
D. We can use big data. It is the main tool that should be used for network automation.
Answer: B
Question: 84
Which one of the following requires a network service package defined in a catalog?
A. Cloud software platform
B. Cloud infrastructure software
C. Cloud orchestration
D. Software defined network
Answer: C
Question: 85
Which of the following statements are applicable to the technology of massive MIMO? (Select 3)
A. Several data flows are sent at the same time on the same frequency.
B. The signals on each antenna are made orthogonal.
C. The data flows are sent at the same time on different frequencies.
D. Transmit diversity is used in case of poor radio conditions.
Answer: A,B,D
Question: 86
What is the best solution for deploying an optimal network function distribution?
A. Using duplicated Virtual Network Functions
B. Using Virtual Network Functions to control the routing
C. Using Virtual Network Functions orchestrated across various Cloud Data Centers
D. Using Virtual Network Functions in Access
Answer: C
Question: 87
What are the five key features of 5G Core?
A. Dynamic Control plane, Adaptive Architecture, Converged-Access-Network, Stateless and Network Self-healing
B. Dynamic Control plane, Service Based Architecture, Multi-Access-Network, State-efficiency and Network Slicing
C. Dynamic Control plane, Adaptive Architecture, Multi-Access-Network, Stateless and Network Slicing
D. Control and User Planes Separation, Service Based Architecture, Multi-Access-Network, State-efficiency and Network Slicing
Answer: A
Question: 88
What functionality is applied by SDN to find an alternative path in case of failure in the Transport Network?
A. Path Correlation Engine
B. Alternative Route Finding
C. Alternative Path Computing
D. Path Computation Engine
Answer: A,B,C,D
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Question: 89
What is the Unstructured Data Storage Function (UDSF)?
A. This network function exposes 5G Core Network functionalities available to 3rd parties, so that 3rdparty capabilities and events may be securely exposed by the Network Exposure
Function (NEF).
B. This network function is part of data repositories in the Common Data Layer. It stores 3GPP standardized data.
C. This network function is part of data repositories in the Common Data Layer and in opposition to the UDR, it stores non-standardized C Unstructured C data.
D. This network function stores or retrieves subscriptions, profiles, and authentication data to or from the data repositories. It offers services to the AMF, SMF, NEF and AUSF using
the Service Based Interface.
Answer: A
Question: 90
Which of the following are 4G limitations that justify a roll-out to 5G? (Choose three.)
A. Low peak and end-user-experience throughput
B. Low reliability
C. High latency
D. Beamforming is not supported
Answer: A,B
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