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Acquia Certified Site Builder-D8 certification
Question: 1
You have installed a contributed module called "Sample Module" that looks like it will be a great fit for the business
case you are trying to solve. However, upon closer examination, it looks like the module only supplies a drush
command; it does not have an admin interface.
As a site builder with no command-line experience, this will not work for you! You need a web user interface to use
this module.
How should you request a web Ul in the module's issue queue1?
A. Create a "Bug Report" issue for the module with subject line, "Create web Ul for Sample Module" and give it the
"Major priority
B. Create a "Feature Request issue for the module with subject line, "Create web Ul for Sample Module." C
C. Create a "Feature Request" issue for the module with subject line, "URGENT Module Broken! 11 Needs Ul" D
D. Create a "Bug Report" issue for the module with subject line, "Create web Ul for Sample Module."
Answer: B
Question: 2
You are responsible for a Drupal recipe site. Currently, each recipe node can have a title, body text and image. To
provide a better user experience, you have been asked to allow each recipe to be freely tagged by its author.
How can you provide free tagging for the recipe nodes?
A. From the recipe content type's "Manage form display" page, drag the Tags" field up out of the "Disabled" section.
B. From the recipe content type's "Manage display" page, enable the "display free tagging information" option.
C. From *ne recipe content type's "Manage fields" page, create a text field called "Tags". Ensure it can accept multiple
D. From the recipe content type's "Manage fields" page, create a Taxonomy term reference field, referencing the tags
vocabulary. Check "Create referenced entities if they don't already exist."
Answer: A
Question: 3
You have created a new Comment type, but when you try to add a comment field to a Content type, you can't select
your new Comment type.
What could be the problem'?
A. In your new Comment type, you didn't select "Content" as the Target entity type
B. Custom comment types can only be added to default Content types
C. "Allow comments" is not checked in the Content type settings
D. You need to clear the site caches to see the new option
Answer: A
Question: 4
You are building a recipe site in which users submit their favorite recipes as nodes, tagged with common ingredients
from a carefully curated taxonomy vocabulary. You've been asked to create a page on which site visitors can select the
ingredients they have on hand and view all the site's recipes that use those ingredients. You've already created a view
listing all Recipe nodes
How can you modify the view to support filtering by ingredient?
A. Create a filter using the Recipe content type's "Ingredients" field Expose the filter to users, making sure it allows
multiple selections
B. For each ingredient, create a separate view display with a contextual filter to limit results by that ingredient
C. Include a "Combine fields" filter that searches all fields for the ingredient name(s) the user enters.
D. Add a menu block listing all ingredients Each item in the menu block should link to a subdirectory URL associated
with the listed ingredient
Answer: A
Question: 5
You are asked to implement a "employee of the month" block into your corporate website The block should show
name and picture of the employee and should be editable over the normal block layout All the employees are users of
the website
How do you implement the block?
A. Create a user view mode with user name and picture Add a user reference field to one of your block types and let
the user reference field use the new user view mode
B. Add a custom block and select the type "user account information", activate the user name and picture fields
C. Install the user_blocks module from Drupal org, select the fields you need and place block via block layout
D. Create a new Users View with user name field and user picture and anexposed filter on uid Add a block display to
the view and place the block in the block layout
Answer: D
Question: 6
You are asked to require a site visitor to enter First name and Last name when creating a new account How can you do
this in Drupal?
A. In Permissions, check "Require first and last name for user registrations"
B. In Account settings, under "Who can register accounts'?" select "Visitors, but full name is required"
C. In Account settings, go to Manage fields and add fields for First name and Last name. Set them to "required."
D. Create a block type with fields for First name and Last name, set them to "required" and add the block to
the/user/register page.
Answer: C
Question: 7
You had installed a contributed module on your website, but your site no longer needs it No other modules have
dependencies on this module.
How can you safely uninstall the module?
A. You can only disable modules, not uninstall them
B. Delete the module from the codebase
C. Uninstall the module on the Extend > Uninstall interface.
D. Delete the module from the database
Answer: A
Question: 8
You are creating a page listing products for sale You've been asked to make sure that each product in the list includes
an image, a title, and a price. When the user clicks the title or picture, she will be taken to a detail page showing a full
description of the product.
How can you make sure that the listing page only contains the fields noted, without removing the description field
from the detail page? Choose 2 answers
A. Use the Views module to create a list of all products, and make sure it displays each product row as fields. Add the
image, title, and price fields to the view's field list
B. Create a second content type called "Product Overview", which only contains the image, title, and price fields Use
the Views module to create a list of all of these Product Overview nodes, but link their titles to their corresponding
Product nodes.
C. Use custom display settings for the "Teaser" view mode and configure it to display only the image, title, and price
fields Use the Views module tocreate a list of all products, displaying each row as content using the "Teaser" view
D. Use the Views module to create a list of all products Configure the view to hide the description field by adding a
custom CSS class to its wrapper
Answer: A
Question: 9
How can you better secure the Drupal admin user (user 1) from outside attacks?
A. Do not give this user an obvious name like "admin" or "administrator" which are too easy to guess
B. Cancel the user account for user 1.
C. Remove the "Administrator" role from user 1, which makes them an anonymous user
D. Only allow members of the Drupal community in good standing to be user 1.
Answer: A
Question: 10
You are building a Drupal site that makes great use of imagery Photos are used throughout the site in different sizes
and attached to various entities
How should you handle the images for the site so that they can be easily managed and used in multiple locations?
A. Since the images need to be displayed in many different sizes, they should be uploaded into the body field, and
resized in the WYSIWYG to whatever size is needed
B. Use the core Media module with media type "Image" to store the images Create reference fields in the entities to
include the images
C. On the entities that need images, create a "File" field Upload images to each entity that needs them
D. Use the contributed Media module and create media type "Image" to store the images. Create reference fields in the
entities to include the images
Answer: A
Question: 11
You are pitching for development of a Drupal based website to yournew customer. You want to emphasize how
flexible Drupal is.
Which THREE points would support your case? Choose 3 answers
A. Drupal has configurable content types and field types for modeling content.
B. Drupal allows you to build pages containing lists of content using UL
C. has an online store where you can purchase modules and themes.
D. Drupal allows you to directly rename database columns from the Ul.
E. Drupal allows you to create customized and branded site designs.
Answer: A,B,E
Question: 12
You have created a new "BasicPage" node with a title and a body field. Your site is configured to use Drupal 8's core
search Searching for a phrase used in your new page is not returned in search results. Search is otherwise working
Why is your page not appearing in the search results?
A. Drupal core search does not work very well, and you should use a contributed module for search instead
B. Cron has not run since you added the page, so Drupal has not indexed the new page yet.
C. The core search module must be configured torecognize the search term
D. You did not check the "Add to search index" checkbox when creating your page
Answer: B
Question: 13
The marketing department has decided that a call-to-action button currently in the site footer should be moved to the
sidebar for higher visibility. The button is currently implemented in a custom block.
How should you make the requested changes?
A. From the block layout adminpage, drag the existing block from the Footer region to the Sidebar region
B. Using the "Basic page" content type's "Manage display" interface, drag the existing block from the Footer region to
the Sidebar region.
C. For each content type, use the LayoutBuilder module's 'manage layout" feature to reassign the block from the
Footer region to the Sidebar region
D. From the "Appearance" admin page, reconfigure the site's theme to place the block in the Sidebar region instead of
the Footer.
Answer: B
Question: 14
White reviewing an article node, you notice that the linked text for one of its assigned categories is misspelled.
How will you fix the spelling of the category? Choose 2 answers
A. Go to the Taxonomy admin page. In the "Categories" row, choose "List terms." Find the row for the misspelled
category, click its "Edit" button, and correct the spelling.
B. Click the node's "Edit" tab. Find the categories text field and adjust the spelling.
C. Go to the Menus admin page. In the "Categories" row: choose "Edit menu" Find the row for the misspelled
category, click its "Edit" button, and correct the spelling.
D. Click the category link to be taken to the category detail page. Click the "Edit" tab and correct the spelling.
Answer: D
Question: 15
What are four features built into Drupal 8 core?
A. WYSIWYG Editor, Quick Tips, Guided Tour, Taxonomy
B. Theme engine Twig, Quick Edits, Configuration management, Cache Tags
C. Webforms, Layout Builder Media Construction Kit (MCK), Web Tokens
D. Configuration management, Quick Layouts, Media Library, Page rules
Answer: A
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Other Sources
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